Dolphins talk to their cubs in “baby language”
Human parents change their voice to “baby language” when speaking to their child, apparently dolphins are using this method too. Female dolphins from the species
Human parents change their voice to “baby language” when speaking to their child, apparently dolphins are using this method too. Female dolphins from the species
An Experiment in Uganda’s Chimpanzee sanctuary revealed that they could foresee different options in the future, and prepare for them ahead of time. The experiment
Most sharks are Ecthoterms, cold-blooded fish. The Megalodon was a massive shark that went extinct 3.6 million years ago, and like some shark species, it
Africa has 66 river basins. As populations grow and the drought continues, the rivers will become an area of high-risk conflict. A study assessed that
Scientists from Beijing University and Kunming University managed to grow fertilized monkey ovum in the right lab conditions to grow them outside of the womb
The Notothenioid is a fish that can live in the freezing -2 degrees Celsius water in the Antarctic. Scientists found it had evolved a special
An American company invented a pill, ingested through swallowing, that collects data from the digestive system that can reveal the stomach’s microbiome and digestive problems.
A new report claims that a rise of 3 degrees Celsius by 2100 will cause the loss of 75% of Himalayan glacier ice, putting at
Researchers in California used CRISPR-Cas gene editing tool to create disease-resistant rice. A small-scale rice farm in China growing this gene-edited rice is showing promising
A research shows that estimated 2,150 gigatons of groundwater were pumped from the earth between 1993 – 2010. The moving of huge masses of water