
Morning glory cloud is a unique meteorological phenomenon that occurs in the Carpathian Gulf of Australia. It is a narrow, long cloud that looks like a wave or round tube (roll) approaching the shore. There are cases where a series of clouds is created (see picture). The phenomenon is very rare and is probably related to the encounter between hot and humid air and cold air in the lower layers of the atmosphere, which because of the shape of the gulf or the shape of the surface, “roll” one into the other. The cold air causes the condensation of the hot and humid air, and the vortex configuration of their combination causes the “tube” structure of the cloud.
The cloud’s progress is slow and allows air gliders to “hang” on the cloud and slide over it.



The wall of mental comfort

According to the 3M State of Science survey, 14,000 people were asked how much they trusted science. About 35% said they were skeptical of science,

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