It is no secret that the entire Middle East has been suffering from a severe water crisis in recent years. Few countries have prepared for this. The crisis is exacerbated by waves of migration, climate change, poor water resource management, overexploitation of groundwater and saltation of wells and lakes. In Syria, due to the ongoing civil war, there are no budgets for managing and rehabilitating the depleted water reservoirs, and the result is dried up resevoirs. The large rivers flowing through its territory (such as the Euphrates) have also dried up due to the accumulation of water in huge dams in Turkey, and long-standing neglect of the route of the rivers and artificial lakes created behind dams established in the country as early as the 1970s. Some argue that it was the water crisis that led to the outbreak of the country’s civil war, and now it puts a significant portion of its population on the brink of starvation.

‘Dark Matter’ epigenetic findings could alter the way we treat cancer
Epigenetics studies how our lifestyle and environment affect our genes, not by changing our genetic code, but by controlling access to genes. Epigenetics studies seem