Dolphins talk to their cubs in “baby language”
Human parents change their voice to “baby language” when speaking to their child, apparently dolphins are using this method too. Female dolphins from the species
Human parents change their voice to “baby language” when speaking to their child, apparently dolphins are using this method too. Female dolphins from the species
An Experiment in Uganda’s Chimpanzee sanctuary revealed that they could foresee different options in the future, and prepare for them ahead of time. The experiment
Most sharks are Ecthoterms, cold-blooded fish. The Megalodon was a massive shark that went extinct 3.6 million years ago, and like some shark species, it
Scientists from Beijing University and Kunming University managed to grow fertilized monkey ovum in the right lab conditions to grow them outside of the womb
The Notothenioid is a fish that can live in the freezing -2 degrees Celsius water in the Antarctic. Scientists found it had evolved a special
Fruit flies spend their lives feeding on rotting fruit and corpses, yet seeing another dead fruit fly causes depression and earlier death among them. Watching
New research shows a worrying prediction: even if we reduce emissions, the Arctics 2030 summer will be ice-free. The summer’s sea ice had been in
A female American crocodile laid fertilized eggs in a Costa Rica zoo, after being in isolation for 16 years. Facultative Parthenogenesis, or virgin birth, is
Snow flies are flightless flies in USA and Canada. Scientists discovered that snow flies can amputate their legs as a last resort to defend their
Marsh mosquitoes are the mosquito species that can infect with malaria, which kills about 600,000 people annually. These mosquitoes live only in tropical climates, but