
Scientists do not yet know what causes the emergence of circular vegetation in the Namibia. Thousands of circles, from the low-lying herbs to the Marienflusstal Valley, some reach 12 meters in diameter and bloom in 30-60 year cycles. A unique and inexplicable phenomenon of nature attributed to the “economical” behavior of plants’ water in arid climates, soil structure, salt concentrations and other various theories. In practice, an alien, unique, early landscape is obtained.

All the photos: Wikipedia


Climate change makes us sick

New research showed that 58% of infectious diseases became more severe and widespread as a result of an extreme climate event. Global warming, floods, wildfires,

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The octopus’s fantastic brain

New research found a wide variety of microRNA in octopuses’ brains. MicroRNA molecules are not coded for proteins but are responsible for gene expression. humans

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