WhatsApp Image 2020-09-13 at 00.09.59 (1)

A circular structure made of a pile of 40,000 basalt stones, with a diameter of 160 meters. It is made of three concentric circles (one inside the other), with a raised pile of stones in the center and a space beneath it, a small chamber that was probably used for burial of the dead. Some archaeologists date the structure to the third millennium BC. It is possible that the ghost wheel is also some kind of an ancient calendar (a type of Middle Eastern Stonehenge), and indeed, it is evident that in the equinoxes, sunlight tends to pass in the narrow space between two large rocks placed on the eastern side.



The most energetic GRB

Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) detected last month was the strongest detected so far. The burst happened 2.4 billion years from earth. A burst with this

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