
According to the assessment of Noaa, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the United States, sea level rose at 25cm between 1880 and 2015. The rate of sea level rise in 2010 was 4.6mm per year, three times the rate from the early 20th century to the 1990s. Year after year, it has increased due to accelerated melting of glaciers at the poles and an increase in their volume caused by changes in atmosphere temperature. In the next few years, the Larsen C. glacier is expected to raise the level by 10cm.

The level rise is not equal in all parts of the world. Each year, the level rises by 2.5cm on the east coast of the United States, and 3.8cm in China. By the end of the century, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts an increase of 2-5 meters in sea level.

In practice, the number of variables that influence the rise in the water level is so large that it is difficult to predict the rate of sea level increase. Therefore, most estimates are conservative. But, the trend is clear. Assuming that there is no fundamental change in conduct of the human race, many populated areas (Bangladesh, Florida, Tokyo, etc.) will be covered by sea, which will cause huge waves of immigration.

On the same subject, the city of Miami is sinking below sea level. It’s not a matter of years. It’s happening now, in real time. The rising sea level already covers some areas in the city, harms fresh groundwater, water, sewage and electricity infrastructure. In recent years, the Municipality of Miami has been working to raise the city’s “level” and build dams, but this seems to be a lost war. According to scientists, the entire southern part of Florida will be covered in seawater in coming decades. And although there is controversy over this figure, the sea level rise in this area is estimated at about 1.2 inches per year. Miami is one of seven mega cities which will be the first to dive under the sea.


lab grown 3D skin tissue

Biotechnology engineers managed to grow a 3D skin tissue glove that could match personally to patients. The glove could be used to replace the skin

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