Homeopathy is an approach to alternative medicine, first defined by Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century. Homeopathic therapists believe that a sick person can be treated with a substance that, if given to a healthy person, will cause symptoms similar to those of the disease itself. They believe that the substance must be serially diluted (e.g. in water). The serial dilution process involves shaking the concoction between each step, which on the one hand removes the toxic effect of the substance, and on the other hand leaves its healing’ properties ‘ in the diluted material.
In other words, if a person is nauseated when exposed to something (say bad smell, dizziness, pregnancy), all he has to do is find nausea-producing substance, dilute by a hundred, 30 times (and do not forget to shake!). Now, we have a cure for nausea.
At the end of this dilution process, it is most likely that the concoction contains only water (or alcohol), without any particulate matter. Homoeopathists believe that the method works because the water stores a ‘memory’ of the diluted material (signature). That could mean that the water also ‘remembers’ the sewage in the toilet, the internal structure of the digestion system that drank them, and the ‘signatures’ of detergents used for industry and for car washing. Maybe it’s good that the water cannot share with us what they see, when they shower.
There has never been evidence that homeopathic treatment is similar in any way to medical treatment or its effectiveness, probably only as a placebo effect. As mentioned in previous articles, placebo is a dummy treatment used as a control for treatment. In a placebo treatment, the patient is given an inactive substance in the same form as medically tested treatment, in order to test the physiological effectiveness of the treatment being examined without any psychological effect.
In 2010, doctors in England announced that homeopathy does not work. About a year ago, the US FDA and the Australian Doctors’ Association also signed a similar declaration. In the United States, homeopathic drug requires explicit warnings if it was not proven useful by scientific tools.

If a homeopathic drug was tested and scientifically proven, it would not need to be called a ‘homeopathic remedy’ and could be put under the category of a drug. But since it has not been tested, proven, or produced any real results, it is a “homeopathic remedy,” meaning that there is no effectiveness relevant to the treatment for which it is taken. In this sense, homeopathy is not science, is not proven to be effective and may even put patients who use it at risk since they use homeopathic remedies as an alternative to conventional medicine.