The pill that monitors the digestive system
An American company invented a pill, ingested through swallowing, that collects data from the digestive system that can reveal the stomach’s microbiome and digestive problems.
An American company invented a pill, ingested through swallowing, that collects data from the digestive system that can reveal the stomach’s microbiome and digestive problems.
Researchers in California used CRISPR-Cas gene editing tool to create disease-resistant rice. A small-scale rice farm in China growing this gene-edited rice is showing promising
The microbial bacteria Paramecium bursaria, which is found in great numbers in the ocean and freshwater lakes and is believed to be the most common
A pathogen parasite infected sea urchins in the Red Sea and causes massive dying. The same parasite attacked sea urchins in the Caribbean 40 years
Researchers from England combined antibodies from mammals into the plants’ immune system to create plants that have high, resilience to pests and diseases. Unlike plants’
New research found that between 2003 – 2020 phytoplankton bloom surged by 13% globally, covering an extra 4 million square kilometers of shoreline. The blooms
New single-celled creatures belonging to a whole new branch in the evolutionary tree were discovered. The creatures were divided into two groups called Nibbleridia and
A biotechnology company in the U.S.A. got approval to vaccine honey bees against a bacteria that affects juvenile bees in their larvae stage. This is
New research showed that 58% of infectious diseases became more severe and widespread as a result of an extreme climate event. Global warming, floods, wildfires,
Researchers attached Nano robots to E.coli bacterium that carry chemotherapy medicine, which kill or hold cancerous cells from multiplying. The robot also contains small magnetic