Meet the sea wasp, one of the Box jellyfish species, one of the most dangerous jellyfish in the world. The venom of a single jellyfish can kill a large number of people, it has long assault arms (up to three meters) and is also able to see. Unlike other species of jellyfish, sea wasp is able to swim, and is prevalent mainly in northern Australia, Asia (tropical climate) and parts of Africa.

Another species of Box jellyfish is the Malo kingi. This species is less venomous, but no less dangerous. The Malo kingi has the ability to ‘shoot’ its poison arrows and infiltrate its venom into the victim without touching it. A very small amount of venom causes a severe syndrome known as Irukandji syndrome, which includes severe pain throughout the body, convulsions, severe skin burning, vomiting, sweating and high blood pressure. There are also reports of the psychological effect, a sense that death is approaching (not far from reality). Without immediate treatment, there is a danger of death to those who are injured, but these are rare cases.

The problem with Malo kingi is in its minimal size. You can hardly see her in the water. Jellyfish swarms like to swim near the seashore in the warm waters of northern Australia, but details of jellyfish have also been observed in other parts of the world , Including the Mediterranean Sea, where they apparently arrived when they caught a lift on ships and tankers. The changing temperatures of oceans and seas allows hot-water jellyfish to dwell in previously less favorable areas and reproduce.

(Photo by Jake Nowakowski/Newspix/Getty Images)

