Wildlife population declined by 69% since 1970
WWF report says the wildlife population worldwide lost more than 2/3 in the past 5 decades. The biggest reasons for that were habitat loss, mass
WWF report says the wildlife population worldwide lost more than 2/3 in the past 5 decades. The biggest reasons for that were habitat loss, mass
A sad day for the ocean’s biodiversity – The UN high seas treaty meant to protect the ocean and the life inside it, did not
Scientists from Israel developed a new technology for seaweed growing which makes the seaweed more nutritional for humans and animals while purifying the water it
Companies in Israel developed 2 new watermelon species that consume 30% less water and taste 10% sweeter. Watermelons are very water consuming, so the development
Humans are the only species that can drink milk in adulthood. The enzyme lactase, responsible for digesting milk, had developed as a mutation during times
Rhinos have been extinct in Mozambique for 40 years. The Peace Parks Foundation is taking black and white rhinos from South Africa over 1,000 miles
Livestock shipping of mainly cattle, sheep and chicken is a worldwide phenomenon with a painful price. The livestock is being shipped for fattening and slaughter
2022 shopper’s guide to pesticides in produce was published, naming which are the “dirty dozen”, and which are the “clean fifteen”. Strawberries and Spinach are
A recently published article in `Science` scientific journal describes how plants feel when they are being eaten. When a plant is injured, it releases a