Chimpanzees have the ability to premeditate their actions
An Experiment in Uganda’s Chimpanzee sanctuary revealed that they could foresee different options in the future, and prepare for them ahead of time. The experiment
An Experiment in Uganda’s Chimpanzee sanctuary revealed that they could foresee different options in the future, and prepare for them ahead of time. The experiment
Researchers in California used CRISPR-Cas gene editing tool to create disease-resistant rice. A small-scale rice farm in China growing this gene-edited rice is showing promising
Fruit flies spend their lives feeding on rotting fruit and corpses, yet seeing another dead fruit fly causes depression and earlier death among them. Watching
A factory in Hamburg is putting peels and chips of cocoa beans in a machine that creates bio-char. The bio-char which can be produced from
A new research published in Australia claims that 26 Australian animal species that were under threat of extinction are no longer in danger due to
A pathogen parasite infected sea urchins in the Red Sea and causes massive dying. The same parasite attacked sea urchins in the Caribbean 40 years
Researchers from England combined antibodies from mammals into the plants’ immune system to create plants that have high, resilience to pests and diseases. Unlike plants’
Scientists attached electrodes to a goldfish to understand the fish’s navigational system. They found that nerve cells that have a decreasing activity as the fish
A foodtech company from Israel 3D-printed a ready-to-cook fish fillet using animal cells cultivated in the laboratory. This is the first 3D-printed fish, while cow
A new study reveals broccoli contains molecules that help protect the lining of the small intestine in mice and inhibit the development of disease. Broccoli